Saturday, 18 April 2015

Why BigData for this World?

Data is Growing Rapidly in this universe as The Demand for E-business and Social Media's Role in the Business is ever Fast and the barrier between the customers and the Retailers is Reducing now than the olden days because of the internet of things. How?

An internet user Browses for a particular product to buy it on an online store, then he leaves for the day and then next time when he logins to check for the different product on the particular online store , you would be surprised to see the last search online Item would appear on the webpage with better suggestions , How is this Possible ? by the small intelligence captured from the Weblogs Because with the help of internet of things and the Data Analytic made easy through Big Data Technologies.

Use of social media and web log files from their e commerce sites can help them understand who didn’t buy and why they chose not to, information now available to them today. This can enable much more effective micro customer segmentation and targeted marketing campaigns

An average internet users uses at least some GB's of Storage on the internet storage such as  his social media messages ,Emails,Tweets,Photo-sharing,streaming Videos,GPS Usage it Depends upon the person Though.

how much a Boeing Aircraft generates when we are travelling between the continents not less than half a Terabytes of Data per flight imagine the Disk needed to store these Data per year.

Data Now Stream from Daily Life from phones and credit-cards,televisions,computers, from the cities infrastructure,from the sensor equipped buildings,trains,buses,planes,factories and stock market . The Data flow so fast that the Total accumulation of the past 2 Years a- Zeta bytes still growing every Day,every minute

Then we are dealing with the Huge volume of Data(petabytes,Zeta-bytes...)
Also with data Bombarding with the Higher Velocity (frequent logs,stock Market)
Also with the Variety of Data we have Today (images,videos,mail,texts,structured,unstructured,semi-structured Data)

This is how we arrive at a TECHNOLOGY called Big Data and  ANALYTIC S BaseD on the accumulated Data.lets explore more on big data world!!!

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